
Our Children's Ministry includes a Sunday Morning program called "Kid's Own Worship" during the 10 am service and a Wednesday night Word of Life Club "Olympians" at 6 pm check the information below
KIDS OWN WORSHIP (Grade 1 to Grade 4)
Sunday Mornings during Service
KOW Ministry Team Leaders: 
Week 1 - Claudia Folsom (716-478-9354) and Amanda Fowler
Week 2 - Mary Jane Bellingham (716-531-2718) and Jamie Pieszala
Week 3 - Ed and Mary Bugay (716-297-6457)       
Week 4 – Bob and Bethany Revell (716-531-5467)
Week 5 - No KOW - Children worship with their parents

If you would be willing to be a helper on one of the ministry team weeks please contact the team leader for the week you would be available to help.  We would love to talk with you and answer any questions you might have.  Please pray for the KOW Ministry Team as we teach your children the Word of God.
We will pray that your home is one that radiates the love of God to your children and teaches them through your example that you truly believe that God is all-powerful, all wise, and all-loving, and when things do not go as planned that you take that opportunity to teach them that God is not surprised and has everything under His control.  Remember God always wins!

Finishing up the Summer Quarter....
August 11 - Moses Meets God at the Burning Bush (Exodus 2:11-3:20) We will learn that God is an awesome God, and the children will be encouraged to worship an all-powerful, all wise, and all-loving God.
August 18 - The Israelites Receive Cruel Treatment and God Sends Plagues on Egypt (Exodus 5:1-6:1 and Exodus 7:8-10:29) We will learn that God is our hope, and the children will be encouraged to give God their burdens, find hope in God and praise God for giving them that hope.
August 25 - The Israelites Escape from Egypt (Exodus 11:1-12:36) We will learn that God's freedom lasts forever, and the children will be encouraged to praise God for setting them free from the bondage of sins and burdens.
  their everyday lives.

And then the Fall Quarter:
During the months of September, October and November we will continue our journey with the Israelites into Promised Land and God's continued provision after the death of Moses through their new leader, Joshua.
September 1- Israelites Cross the Red Sea (Exodus 13:17-14:31)  The children will learn how mighty God is and that he gives good gifts. The children will be encouraged to worship God for the mighty things He does in their lives and to praise God for giving good gifts and offer what they have back to God.
September 8 – Promotion Sunday for all those completing K will move to KOW.  God Sends Quail and Manna (Exodus 16:1-26) The children will learn that God gives good gifts and will be encouraged to praise God for giving good gifts and offer what they have back to God.
September 15 - God Provides Water (Exodus 17:1-7) Your children will learn how patient
our mighty God is and they will be encouraged to praise God for being patient in all
their circumstances.
September 22 - God Gives the Ten Commandments - Part 1 (Exodus 19:16-20:21) The children
will learn that God is worthy of their honor and will be encouraged to honor God through
their worship.
September 29 – NO KOW children will have the privilege of worshipping with their parents.
October 6 - God Gives the Ten Commandments - Part 2 (Exodus 19:16-20:21)  The children
will learn that respecting others brings honor to God and will be encouraged to bring
honor and glory to God by respecting all the people that God brings into their life at
home, church, school and play.
October 13 - The Israelites Worship a Golden Calf (Exodus 32:1-25)  The children will learn that God alone is worthy of worship and deserves our excellent service and will be encouraged to worship God with wholehearted devotion and give service to Him.
October 20 - The Israelites Build the Tabernacle (Exodus 35:4-36:38)  The children will learn that God deserves our excellent service and be encouraged to worship God by offering their excellent service.
October 27 - Moses Sends Spies Into the Promised Land (Numbers 13:1-14:23) The children
will learn that God never fails and will be encouraged to praise God for never failing
them and holding true to his promises.
November 3 - Balaam's Donkey Talks (Numbers 22:1-38)  The children will learn that God
helps us obey Him and will be encouraged to worship God through their obedience to him
and praise him for helping them obey.
November 10 - Joshua Becomes Leader of Israel (Joshua 1:1-11) and Joshua Sends Spies to
Jericho (Joshua 2:1-24)  The children will learn that God is the one who encourages us
and that our faithfulness honors God.  They will be encouraged to turn to God for
encouragement and praise him for the encouragement he gives and show their faithfulness
to God as they worship and honor the Lord.
November 17 - The Israelites Cross the Jordan River (Joshua 3:1-4:24)  Your children will
learn that we can thank God for what he does and will be encouraged to worship God for
who he is and praise God for his provision.
November 24 - God Gives Victory Over Jericho (Joshua 6:1-27)  The children will learn
that God always wins! and will be encouraged to praise God for using his winning power!

**Parents are always invited to sit in with their child to experience KOW.   We are always on the look-out for great parent or church family helpers.  Please contact Mary Bugay at (716) 930-8878 to learn more about this one Sunday per month (45 minute) commitment**

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

word of life olympians

Join us for Word of Life Club!
Ages 4 & 5 (Gopher Buddies)
Grades 1- 6 (Olympians)
Every Wednesday 6:00 -8:00 p.m. 

Memory verses are recited from 6-6:30 and snacks are served at this time. At 6:30 the music starts and the program begins!
Help us to have enough supplies ready for each clubber by pre-registering on line.

regsiter for word of life clubs

Begins September 20th 2023